An island off the sea of secrets, it’s considered both a mystery and a ruin. The place is isolated from any aggressors by a defensive wall of energy, it’s not clear who or why or how the barrier was created and not everyone on the island can pass through it.

Life on Penar
Penar is quite peaceful but is no stranger to conflict, while safe from most of the outside world internal politics and feuds still exists between people families factions and even cities. Most of which is placated by the faction system and the islands dependency on the main land.
Penar residents all belong to one of the 5 factions; military, agriculture, education, science and faction less. All who have not ascended belong to the education faction or unless they chose the faction after ascension. The Military faction are both the Policemen and Military. The agriculture faction grows, stores and distributes food. The Education faction
At some point in every Penaran’s life they feel the pull to the caves. They trek into the cave systems in the western part of the island, emerging a day later with or without tattoos. It’s these tattoos that are believed to enable people to leave the island. None remember anything beyond falling asleep in the cave. All the tattoos are distinctive, the designs are more or less unique but all share the same black colour.
The ferry
Every week the ferry leaves the ruined structures on the east of the Island making it’s way to Rachar. A small contingent of Islanders live and run a tavern/embassy near the docks of Rachar, they are rotated annually so that all capable of leaving the island get a years world experience after ascension. The ferry itself is run by Alisdair Blint, strict task master and feared combatant. Alisdair is the only Penarian to have journeyed beyond the steadfast and has accumulated 20 years experience in the world.
The island isn’t immune to weather, crop failure, disease and has very little facility for industry. Trading with the mainland is important because of this. Each week the cargo ferry automatically leaves it’s port mooring and begins the trip to Rachar, none have been able to stop it from doing so.
Penar has an estimated population of 300k.
Decisions that affect the entire island are made by the council of 9, which comprises of two representatives from each faction and the peoples champion. Each faction has to have a male and female representative.
Faction Leaders
• James Haversham
• Aron Baker
• Nathaniel Burrows “Fuddy”
• Isabelle Hansen
Peoples Champion/Faction less
• Eric Kanto/Althalus
North City: Is known for its mysterious underground dwellings.
South City: The biggest agricultural community providing both seafood and
West City: Known for the fishing and the wooden buildings making the city.
Central City: the jewel in the crown of Penar. The city clearly wasn’t built for humans, skyscrapers made seamlessly out of hard translucent material with a pearlescent sheen. The elected leaders of the factions make their residence here and when there time is up they move into the vacancy left by the person replacing them.