Haytham Alassis
Haytham is a graceful glaive who talks to machines
Might: 12 (Edge 1)
Speed: 14 (Edge 1)
Intellect: 12 (Edge 1)
Tier: 3
Effort: 3
Cyphers: 3
Combat Prowess: You add +1 damage to one type of attack of your choice: melee attacks or ranged attacks. Enabler.
Cypher Use: You can bear two cyphers at a time.
Trained in Armor: You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing armor. You reduce the Speed Effort cost for wearing armor by 1. Enabler.
Weapons: You can use any weapon without penalty.
Fleet of Foot (1+ Speed points): You can move a short distance as part of another action. You can move a long distance as your entire action for a turn. If you apply a level of Effort to this ability, you can move a long distance and make an attack as your entire action for a turn, but the attack is hindered. Enabler.
Misdirect (3 Speed points): When an opponent misses you, you can redirect their attack to another target (a creature or object) of your choosing that’s within immediate range of you. Make an unmodified attack roll against the new target (do not use any of your or the opponent’s modifiers to the attack roll, but you can apply Effort for accuracy). If the attack hits, the target takes damage from your opponent’s attack. Enabler.
Distant Activation (1 Intellect point). You can activate or deactivate any machine you can see within short range, even if normally you would have to touch or manually operate the device. To use this ability, you must understand the function of the machine, it must be your size or smaller, and it can’t be connected to another intelligence (or be intelligent itself). Action.
Successive Attack (2 Speed points): If you take down a foe, you can immediately make another attack on that same turn against a new foe within your reach. The second attack is part of the same action. You can use this fighting move with melee attacks and ranged attacks. Enabler.
Obstacle Running (3 Speed points): For the next minute, you can ignore obstacles that slow your movement, allowing you to travel at normal speed through areas with rubble, fences, tables, and similar objects that you would have to climb over or move around. This movement might include sliding on a railing, briefly running along a wall, or even stepping on a creature to boost yourself over something. If an obstacle would normally require a Might or Speed task to overcome, such as swinging on a rope, balancing on a rope, or jumping over a hole, you are trained at that task. Enabler.
Coaxing Power (2 Intellect points). You boost the power or function of a machine so that it operates at 1 level higher than normal for one hour. Action to initiate.
Charm Machine (2 Intellect points). You convince an unintelligent machine to “like” you. A machine that likes you is 50 percent less likely to function if said function would cause you harm. Thus, if a foe attempts to detonate a bomb near you controlled by a detonator that likes you, there is a 50 percent chance that it won’t explode. Action to initiate.
Intelligent Interface (3 Intellect points). You can speak telepathically with any intelligent machine within long range. Further, you are trained in all interactions with intelligent machines. Such machines and automatons that normally would never communicate with a human might talk to you. Enabler.
Light bladed Weapons (Light): Trained
Medium Weapons (ranged): Skilled
Balancing: Trained
All tasks involving electrical machines: Skilled
Careful movement: Trained
Physical Performance Arts: Trained
Speed Defence: Trained
Webley Laser revolver (medium ranged) – 6 shots before the cooling rods need replacing
12 replacement cooling rods
light armour
an explorer’s pack
5 shins (coins)
A bag of small tools
Special Items
Campaign Item:
Pet Nevajin – can fire a destructive ray 200 yards (61 metres) – absorbed a cypher that broke it, and my family (who have long been good with machines) adopted it
Density nodule – Power Level 4, a fix to a weapon and for the next 28 hours weapon gains +3 damage to physically solid targets
Rejuvenator – recovers 2 points to each pool (might/speed/intellect)
Blob of clay that takes on mysterious shapes when left alone.
- Microprocessor on my right inside forearm
- A black cat with green eyes which is usually invisible