Numenera Characters – Eld

Two Fingers Eld

Eld is a risk taking jack who exists partially out of phase

Might: 13  (Edge 1)

Speed: 15 (Edge 1)

Intellect: 16 (Edge 1) 

Cyphers: 3 

Tier: 3 

Effort: 4 


Tier 1 

Flex Skill: At the beginning of each day, choose one task (other than attacks or defense) on which you will concentrate. For the rest of that day, you’re trained in that task. You can’t use this ability with a skill you’re already trained in to become specialized. 

Late Inspiration (3 Intellect points): You retry a task you failed within the past one minute, using the same difficulty and modifiers, except this time you have an asset on the task. If this retry fails, you can’t use this ability to retry it again. Enabler. 

Phased Pocket (2+ Intellect points): You connect yourself for one hour to a small space that is out of phase and moves with you. You can access this space as if it were a convenient pocket or bag, but nobody else can perceive or access the space unless they have the ability to interact with transdimensional areas. The space can hold up to 1 cubic foot. The space is a part of you, so you can’t use it to carry more cyphers than your limit, a detonation cypher activated inside the space harms you, and so on. When the connection ends, anything in the space falls out. For each 2 additional Intellect points you spend, the pocket lasts an additional hour. Enabler. 

Pressing Your Luck: You can choose to automatically succeed on one task without rolling, as long as the task’s difficulty is no higher than level 6. When you do so, however, you also trigger a GM intrusion as if you had rolled a 1. The intrusion doesn’t invalidate the success, but it probably qualifies it in some fashion. You can do this one time, although the ability renews each time you make a ten-hour recovery roll. 

Walk Through Walls (2 Intellect points). You can slowly pass through physical barriers at a rate of 1 inch (2.5 cm) per round (minimum of one round to pass through any barrier). You can’t act (other than moving) or perceive anything until you pass entirely through the barrier. You can’t pass through energy barriers. Action.  

Tier 2:  

Defensive Phasing (2 Intellect points). You can change your phase so that some attacks pass through you harmlessly. For the next ten minutes, you gain an asset to your Speed defense tasks, but during this time you lose any benefit from armor you wear. Action to initiate. 

Tier 3: 

Far Hands (2 Intellect points): You can use your tricks of the trade from one range category farther away than normal: immediate becomes short, short becomes long, long becomes very long. Using the CHARACTER TYPE trick at this increased distance hinders the task. Enabler.

Phase Door (4 Intellect points). You can phase into a solid object’s surface and then phase out of any other solid object within long range of the first, even if the two objects are not connected. There must not be any intervening barriers between the two objects, and you must be aware of or able to see the destination object. Action. 


Trained in Chance based tests 

Inability: Sneaking and staying quiet 

Inability: Heavy Weapons. Attacks are Hindered 

Skilled: Light Weapons 

Skilled: Medium Weapons 

Trained: Light Armour 

Trained: Medium Armour (temp) 



Webley Laser revolver (medium) – 6 shots before the cooling rods need replacing 

12 replacement cooling rods 

light armour 

an explorer’s pack 

5 shins (coins) 

A bag of small tools 

Special Items

Campaign Item: 

Machine implants – Eld’s father grafted bionics into eld from a very young age which gives him skills with computer tech and physical upgrades. Currently upgraded with rocket boosters.


Visage changer – changes your appearance for an hour

Locatortron 2000 (level 8) – Learn distance/direction from named object/place/creature


Stasis cage – A cage that works a lot like a pokeball but visually is a keyring sized cage


  • Nevajin head tattoo on right forearm
  • Ascension Tattoos on arms (shifting, Rorscach style)
  • Education Faction joined
  • Microchip tattoo on left forearm. 

Numenera Characters – Kerensky

Kerensky Engstrom

Kerensky is a relentless glaive who acts without consequence


Might: 17 (Edge 2)

Speed: 14 (Edge 1)

Intellect: 11 (Edge 0) 

Tier: 3 

Effort: 3 

Cyphers: 3 


Tier 1 

Aggression (2 Might points): You focus on making attacks to such an extent that you leave yourself vulnerable to your opponents. While this ability is active, you gain an asset on your melee attacks, and your Speed defense rolls against melee and ranged attacks you wish, but it ends if no combat is taking place within range of your senses. Enabler. 

No Need for Weapons: When you make an unarmed attack (such as a punch or kick), it counts as a medium weapon instead of a light weapon. Enabler. 

Tier 2 

Successive Attack (2 Speed points): If you take down a foe, you can immediately make another attack on that same turn against a new foe within your reach. The second attack is part of the same action. You can use this fighting move with melee attacks and ranged attacks. Enabler. 

Get Away (2 Speed points). After your action on your turn, you move up to a short distance or get behind or beneath cover within immediate range. Enabler. 

Tier 3 

Spray (2 Speed points): If a weapon has the ability to fire rapid shots without reloading (usually called a rapid-fire weapon, such as a crank crossbow), you can spray multiple shots around your target to increase the chance of hitting. This move uses 1d6 + 1 rounds of ammo (or all the ammo in the weapon, if it has less than the number rolled). You are trained in making this attack. If the attack is successful, it deals 1 less point of damage than normal. Action. 

Goad (2 Might points). After you successfully attack a creature, Speed defence tasks by all others against the creature’s attacks are eased until the end of the next round. Enabler. 


Healing: Trained

Climbing: Trained

Stealth: Trained

Finding food/water: Trained

Heavy bladed: Skilled

Social Interaction: Inability



Two weapons

Medium armour

Explorers pack

Deck of cards

Special Items

Campaign Item: 

Tron box – push the button…do it


Density nodule –


Blob of clay – it takes on various mysterious shapes when left alone


  • A black cat with green eyes which is usually invisible

Numenera characters – Archie

Archie the Apparent

Archie is an adaptable nano who sees beyond


Might: 13 (Edge 0)

Speed: 13 (Edge 0)

Intellect: 17 (Edge 2) 

Tier: 3 

Effort: 3 

Cyphers: 3 


Hedge Magic (1 Intellect point): You can perform small tricks: temporarily change the colour or basic appearance of a small object, cause small objects to float through the air, clean a small area, mend a broken object, prepare (but not create) food, and so on. You can’t use Hedge Magic to harm another creature or object. Action. 

Scan (2 Intellect points): You scan an area equal in size to a 10-foot (3 m) cube, including all objects or creatures within that area. The area must be within short range. Scanning a creature or object always reveals its level (a measure of how powerful, dangerous, or difficult it is). You also learn whatever facts the GM feels are pertinent about the matter and energy in that area. For example, you might learn that the wooden box contains a device of metal and synth. You might learn that the glass cylinder is full of poisonous gas, and that its metal stand has an electrical field running through it that connects to a metal mesh in the floor. You might learn that the creature standing before you is a mammal with a small brain. However, this esotery doesn’t tell you what the information means. Thus, in the first example, you don’t know what the metal and synth device does. In the second, you don’t know if stepping on the floor causes the cylinder to release the gas. In the third, you might suspect that the creature is not very intelligent, but scans, like looks, can be deceiving. Many materials and energy fields prevent or resist scanning. Action. 

See the Unseen. You can automatically perceive creatures and objects that are normally invisible, out of phase, or only partially in this universe. When looking for things more conventionally hidden, the task is eased. Enabler. 

Tier 2 

Mind Reading (4 Intellect points): You can read the surface thoughts of a creature within short range of you, even if the target doesn’t want you to. You must be able to see the target. Once you have established contact, you can read the target’s thoughts for up to one minute. If you or the target move out of range, the connection is broken. Action to initiate. 

See Through Matter (3+ Intellect points). You can see through matter as if it were transparent. You can see through up to 6 inches (15 cm) of material for one round. Doing so is a task whose difficulty is equal to the material or object’s level. In addition to the normal options for using Effort, you can also choose to use Effort to see through another 6 inches (15 cm) of material for each additional level of Effo 

Tier 3 

Barrier (3+ Intellect points): You create an opaque, stationary barrier of solid energy within immediate range. The barrier is 10 feet by 10 feet (3 m by 3 m) and of negligible thickness. It is a level 2 barrier and lasts for ten minutes. It can be placed anywhere it fits, whether against a solid object (including the ground) or floating in the air. Each level of Effort you apply strengthens the barrier by one level. For example, applying two levels of Effort creates a level 4 barrier. Action. 

Sensor (4 Intellect points). You create an immobile, invisible sensor within immediate range that lasts for 28 hours. At any time during that duration, you can concentrate to see, hear, and smell through the sensor, no matter how far you move from it. The sensor doesn’t grant you sensory capabilities beyond the norm. If you have the Nano’s special ability of the same name then, when you use either, you gain an asset to any perception task you attempt in conjunction with perceiving through the sensor interface. Action to create; action to check. 


medium weapons: Inability

heavy weapons: Inability 

Understanding Numenera: Trained  

Pleasant social interactions: Trained

Overcome sorrow, deprivation or pain: Trained

Negotiate: Skilled

Attacks with medium and heavy weapons are hindered


Needle Weapon: Thought controlled flying sonic needle (Heavy 6 damage)

Special Items

Campaign Item: 

Teleporter Ring – Transports me and another to a place I’ve already been within 300 miles


Density nodule –

Rejuvenator –


Metallic Jar – Maintains a liquid at a constant temperature. Also on occasion produces a liquid like a replicator


  • A black cat with green eyes which is usually invisible

Numenera characters – Haytham

Haytham Alassis

Haytham is a graceful glaive who talks to machines


Might: 12 (Edge 1)

Speed: 14 (Edge 1)

Intellect: 12 (Edge 1) 

Tier: 3 

Effort: 3 

Cyphers: 3 


Combat Prowess: You add +1 damage to one type of attack of your choice: melee attacks or ranged attacks. Enabler. 

Cypher Use: You can bear two cyphers at a time.  

Trained in Armor: You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing armor. You reduce the Speed Effort cost for wearing armor by 1. Enabler. 

Weapons: You can use any weapon without penalty. 

Fleet of Foot (1+ Speed points): You can move a short distance as part of another action. You can move a long distance as your entire action for a turn. If you apply a level of Effort to this ability, you can move a long distance and make an attack as your entire action for a turn, but the attack is hindered. Enabler. 

Misdirect (3 Speed points): When an opponent misses you, you can redirect their attack to another target (a creature or object) of your choosing that’s within immediate range of you. Make an unmodified attack roll against the new target (do not use any of your or the opponent’s modifiers to the attack roll, but you can apply Effort for accuracy). If the attack hits, the target takes damage from your opponent’s attack. Enabler. 

Distant Activation (1 Intellect point). You can activate or deactivate any machine you can see within short range, even if normally you would have to touch or manually operate the device. To use this ability, you must understand the function of the machine, it must be your size or smaller, and it can’t be connected to another intelligence (or be intelligent itself). Action. 

Successive Attack (2 Speed points): If you take down a foe, you can immediately make another attack on that same turn against a new foe within your reach. The second attack is part of the same action. You can use this fighting move with melee attacks and ranged attacks. Enabler. 

Obstacle Running (3 Speed points): For the next minute, you can ignore obstacles that slow your movement, allowing you to travel at normal speed through areas with rubble, fences, tables, and similar objects that you would have to climb over or move around. This movement might include sliding on a railing, briefly running along a wall, or even stepping on a creature to boost yourself over something. If an obstacle would normally require a Might or Speed task to overcome, such as swinging on a rope, balancing on a rope, or jumping over a hole, you are trained at that task. Enabler. 

Coaxing Power (2 Intellect points). You boost the power or function of a machine so that it operates at 1 level higher than normal for one hour. Action to initiate.  

Charm Machine (2 Intellect points). You convince an unintelligent machine to “like” you. A machine that likes you is 50 percent less likely to function if said function would cause you harm. Thus, if a foe attempts to detonate a bomb near you controlled by a detonator that likes you, there is a 50 percent chance that it won’t explode. Action to initiate. 

Intelligent Interface (3 Intellect points). You can speak telepathically with any intelligent machine within long range. Further, you are trained in all interactions with intelligent machines. Such machines and automatons that normally would never communicate with a human might talk to you. Enabler. 


Light bladed Weapons (Light): Trained 

Medium Weapons (ranged): Skilled 

Balancing: Trained 

All tasks involving electrical machines: Skilled 

Careful movement: Trained 

Physical Performance Arts: Trained 

Speed Defence: Trained 



Webley Laser revolver (medium ranged) – 6 shots before the cooling rods need replacing 

12 replacement cooling rods 

light armour 

an explorer’s pack 

5 shins (coins) 

A bag of small tools 

Special Items

Campaign Item: 

Pet Nevajin – can fire a destructive ray 200 yards (61 metres) – absorbed a cypher that broke it, and my family (who have long been good with machines) adopted it 


Density nodule – Power Level 4, a fix to a weapon and for the next 28 hours weapon gains +3 damage to physically solid targets 

Rejuvenator – recovers 2 points to each pool (might/speed/intellect) 


Blob of clay that takes on mysterious shapes when left alone. 


  • Microprocessor on my right inside forearm
  • A black cat with green eyes which is usually invisible

S01 Session 01

A day at home

players introduce themselves and what a day in their life looks like on Penar.

DM: “As the sun sets you feel energized, excited, restless. A voice whispers in your ear ‘go to the cave’, the mental images of the ancestral ascension chamber fills your minds eye. Your bones tell you that tomorrow your journey to the cave begins.” 

A day on the road

Decide with the players how they meet on the road and generate an encounter to help explain the rules

DM: “As the day comes to a close, the red sun light reseeding across the sky. The path up the winding cliffs stands out, illuminated against that dark mountain. A symbol of hope standing defiantly against the dark void beyond.” 

A Night in the cave

Generate another encounter or puzzle

DM:“Your trek up the mountain has ended. Before you lies the cave entrance exactly how it appeared in your vision but a night before. The stone arch a dull orange with engraved black ‘ADBADBDADABADCDABDBADBAADCDBDABDBABDADCDBABBDBBBDAABDABADCDAABADAADABADAAADBDCDAAADBDADABBADCDBDBBBDABBDABDABADBAADAAADCDABDAAADBABADADBADAAADAADBBBDBA'”  

Players: Explore Cave

DM: “the walls of the chamber are the same colour orange of that outside and extend 40 meters deep from the entrance before the back wall is met. As you step inside and the torch light spills out across the rocky surface the ceiling seems far from your view but something tells you that it can’t be more than 20ft above the floor upon which you stand”  

players: explore stuff and discuss

DM: “Sleep comes fast for you this night. Suddenly your stood out on the planes of the island surround by your loved ones and friends. They are stood all around you but just out of arms reach. In the blink of an eye the ground beneath your feet changes to a flat grey mental, and as your gaze follows it to the where your loved ones are their skin starts to crack like lava. The fiery cracks across their skin continues to glow until they are all reduced to ash before your eyes. You look down to see that your hands also glow like there skin. And as you focus upon it, you realise that it’s not coming from within, it is the glow of morning light.” *Everyone has tattoos of electric lines and then any that they’ve earned through encounters by defeating monsters and solving puzzles etc* 

The Island of Penar

An island off the sea of secrets, it’s considered both a mystery and a ruin. The place is isolated from any aggressors by a defensive wall of energy, it’s not clear who or why or how the barrier was created and not everyone on the island can pass through it.  

Life on Penar 

Penar is quite peaceful but is no stranger to conflict, while safe from most of the outside world internal politics and  feuds still exists between people families factions and even cities. Most of which is placated by the faction system and the islands dependency on the main land.  

Penar residents all belong to one of the 5 factions; military, agriculture, education, science and faction less.   All who have not ascended belong to the education faction or unless they chose the faction after ascension. The Military faction are both the Policemen and Military. The agriculture faction grows, stores and distributes food. The Education faction  


At some point in every Penaran’s life they feel the pull to the caves. They trek into the cave systems in the western part of the island, emerging a day later with or without tattoos. It’s these tattoos that are believed to enable people to leave the island. None remember anything beyond falling asleep in the cave. All the tattoos are distinctive, the designs are more or less unique but all share the same black colour.  

The ferry 

Every week the ferry leaves the ruined structures on the east of the Island making it’s way to Rachar. A small contingent of Islanders live and run a tavern/embassy near the docks of Rachar, they are rotated annually so that all capable of leaving the island get a years world experience after ascension. The ferry itself is run by Alisdair Blint, strict task master and feared combatant. Alisdair is the only Penarian to have journeyed beyond the steadfast and has accumulated 20 years experience in the world. 


The island isn’t immune to weather, crop failure, disease and has very little facility for industry. Trading with the mainland is important because of this. Each week the cargo ferry automatically leaves it’s port mooring and begins the trip to Rachar, none have been able to stop it from doing so. 


Penar has an estimated population of 300k. 


Decisions that affect the entire island are made by the council of 9, which comprises of two representatives from each faction and the peoples champion. Each faction has to have a male and female representative. 

Faction Leaders 


 • James Haversham 


 • Aron Baker 


 • Nathaniel Burrows  “Fuddy” 


 • Isabelle Hansen 

Peoples Champion/Faction less 

 • Eric Kanto/Althalus 


North City: Is known for its mysterious underground dwellings. 

South City: The biggest agricultural community providing both seafood and  

West City: Known for the fishing and the wooden buildings making the city. 

Central City: the jewel in the crown of Penar. The city clearly wasn’t built for humans, skyscrapers made seamlessly out of hard translucent material with a  pearlescent sheen. The elected leaders of the factions make their residence here and when there time is up they move into the vacancy left by the person replacing them. 

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