Two Fingers Eld Eld is a risk taking jack who exists partially out of phase Might: 13 (Edge 1) Speed: 15 (Edge 1) Intellect: 16 (Edge 1) Cyphers: 3 Tier: 3 Effort: 4 Abilities Tier 1 Flex Skill: At the beginning of each day, choose one task (other than attacks or defense) on which you […]
Author: bluepappercliptaxlockglue
Numenera Characters – Kerensky
Kerensky Engstrom Kerensky is a relentless glaive who acts without consequence Stats Might: 17 (Edge 2) Speed: 14 (Edge 1) Intellect: 11 (Edge 0) Tier: 3 Effort: 3 Cyphers: 3 Abilities Tier 1 Aggression (2 Might points): You focus on making attacks to such an extent that you leave yourself vulnerable to your opponents. While […]
Numenera characters – Archie
Archie the Apparent Archie is an adaptable nano who sees beyond Stats Might: 13 (Edge 0) Speed: 13 (Edge 0) Intellect: 17 (Edge 2) Tier: 3 Effort: 3 Cyphers: 3 Abilities Hedge Magic (1 Intellect point): You can perform small tricks: temporarily change the colour or basic appearance of a small object, cause small objects […]
Numenera characters – Haytham
Haytham Alassis Haytham is a graceful glaive who talks to machines Stats Might: 12 (Edge 1) Speed: 14 (Edge 1) Intellect: 12 (Edge 1) Tier: 3 Effort: 3 Cyphers: 3 Abilities Combat Prowess: You add +1 damage to one type of attack of your choice: melee attacks or ranged attacks. Enabler. Cypher Use: You can […]
S01 Session 01
A day at home players introduce themselves and what a day in their life looks like on Penar. DM: “As the sun sets you feel energized, excited, restless. A voice whispers in your ear ‘go to the cave’, the mental images of the ancestral ascension chamber fills your minds eye. Your bones tell you that […]
The Island of Penar
An island off the sea of secrets, it’s considered both a mystery and a ruin. The place is isolated from any aggressors by a defensive wall of energy, it’s not clear who or why or how the barrier was created and not everyone on the island can pass through it. Life on Penar Penar is […]