Author: bluepappercliptaxlockglue

Numenera Characters – Eld

Two Fingers Eld Eld is a risk taking jack who exists partially out of phase Might: 13  (Edge 1) Speed: 15 (Edge 1) Intellect: 16 (Edge 1)  Cyphers: 3  Tier: 3  Effort: 4  Abilities Tier 1  Flex Skill: At the beginning of each day, choose one task (other than attacks or defense) on which you […]

Numenera Characters – Kerensky

Kerensky Engstrom Kerensky is a relentless glaive who acts without consequence Stats Might: 17 (Edge 2) Speed: 14 (Edge 1) Intellect: 11 (Edge 0)  Tier: 3  Effort: 3  Cyphers: 3  Abilities Tier 1  Aggression (2 Might points): You focus on making attacks to such an extent that you leave yourself vulnerable to your opponents. While […]

Numenera characters – Archie

Archie the Apparent Archie is an adaptable nano who sees beyond Stats Might: 13 (Edge 0) Speed: 13 (Edge 0) Intellect: 17 (Edge 2)  Tier: 3  Effort: 3  Cyphers: 3  Abilities Hedge Magic (1 Intellect point): You can perform small tricks: temporarily change the colour or basic appearance of a small object, cause small objects […]

Numenera characters – Haytham

Haytham Alassis Haytham is a graceful glaive who talks to machines Stats Might: 12 (Edge 1) Speed: 14 (Edge 1) Intellect: 12 (Edge 1)  Tier: 3  Effort: 3  Cyphers: 3  Abilities Combat Prowess: You add +1 damage to one type of attack of your choice: melee attacks or ranged attacks. Enabler.  Cypher Use: You can […]