S01 Session 01

A day at home

players introduce themselves and what a day in their life looks like on Penar.

DM: “As the sun sets you feel energized, excited, restless. A voice whispers in your ear ‘go to the cave’, the mental images of the ancestral ascension chamber fills your minds eye. Your bones tell you that tomorrow your journey to the cave begins.” 

A day on the road

Decide with the players how they meet on the road and generate an encounter to help explain the rules

DM: “As the day comes to a close, the red sun light reseeding across the sky. The path up the winding cliffs stands out, illuminated against that dark mountain. A symbol of hope standing defiantly against the dark void beyond.” 

A Night in the cave

Generate another encounter or puzzle

DM:“Your trek up the mountain has ended. Before you lies the cave entrance exactly how it appeared in your vision but a night before. The stone arch a dull orange with engraved black ‘ADBADBDADABADCDABDBADBAADCDBDABDBABDADCDBABBDBBBDAABDABADCDAABADAADABADAAADBDCDAAADBDADABBADCDBDBBBDABBDABDABADBAADAAADCDABDAAADBABADADBADAAADAADBBBDBA'”  

Players: Explore Cave

DM: “the walls of the chamber are the same colour orange of that outside and extend 40 meters deep from the entrance before the back wall is met. As you step inside and the torch light spills out across the rocky surface the ceiling seems far from your view but something tells you that it can’t be more than 20ft above the floor upon which you stand”  

players: explore stuff and discuss

DM: “Sleep comes fast for you this night. Suddenly your stood out on the planes of the island surround by your loved ones and friends. They are stood all around you but just out of arms reach. In the blink of an eye the ground beneath your feet changes to a flat grey mental, and as your gaze follows it to the where your loved ones are their skin starts to crack like lava. The fiery cracks across their skin continues to glow until they are all reduced to ash before your eyes. You look down to see that your hands also glow like there skin. And as you focus upon it, you realise that it’s not coming from within, it is the glow of morning light.” *Everyone has tattoos of electric lines and then any that they’ve earned through encounters by defeating monsters and solving puzzles etc*